Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Six Rashers of Kevin Bacon

Bacon has always been a basic food group as far as I am concerned. But doesn't it seem like all of a sudden, bacon is everywhere? And people are doing crazy things with bacon. I love bacon and eggs, spaghetti carbonara (the best kind of bacon and eggs) and a BLT as much as the next food blogger, but I have to draw the line and it may just be bacon in my chocolate. Or possibly, the Burger King Bacon Sundae, yes, you read that right, a bacon sundae being test marketed in southern states. Billed as a "cool collision of salty and sweet" and weighing in at only 510 calories, who wouldn't want one their way everyday? It seems as if we are in the midst of a bacon revolution.  In June, in a nearby town, they actually held a Michigan Baconfest, which of course the tickets sold out faster than a pig can blink. Actually, it's nice to know that in a world consumed by organic this and healthy that, that bacon reigns supreme.

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, also known as the Kevin Bacon game is based on the premise that it is a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it. The six degrees of separation concept that everyone in the world can be connected in six steps naturally flowed into connecting everyone in Hollywood to working (or over working, depending how you look at it) actor Kevin Bacon. There is actually a website devoted to this very topic - theoracleofbacon.org. You know if you want to go from Kevin Bacon to Greta Garbo or Cary Grant it will do the work for you. There are a few missing links, however. While Kevin Bacon can be easily connected to Lassie, he cannot be connected to Mr. Ed or Flipper (trust me, I checked). I recently saw an interview where Kevin Bacon admitted to being less than flattered when the game first emerged - apparently he felt it devalued his body of work. Seems like Kevin Bacon needs to be more Footloose and less A Few Good Men, if you ask me.

The Recipe:

Use good, thick platter bacon.
Never buy bacon in a flat package with a "viewing" window
Better yet, go to your meat counter.
Don't skimp on price, good bacon is worth it. After all, you are cutting years off of your life by eating it, it may as well be worth it.
If you like flat bacon, get a bacon press. You can also use it to make paninis.
Finally, consider prosciutto every once in a while, because bacon by any other name is just as savory

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