Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Otis' Rummy Omelet

After an outcry over the death of Andy Griffith last week, I was compelled to delve once again into Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook and pluck out another gem of a recipe. Just be glad it's not called "Otis Runny Omelet", just sayin. Anyway, this time a plain omelet (although we threw in a little cheese) that is doused in rum, and lit on fire. As my faithful readers know, I do relish the chance to set food to flame, so this one was a go. Literally, it is a plain egg omelet, soaked in rum and flamed. The recipe so simple (see below) that any egg eater could do it. And taste, you ask? Well, Mark liked it. He said, and I quote, "it tasted like an omelet with an occasional hint of rum" - just what the cookbook authors hoped for I am sure. Good news for my fearless readers, I just found out that there is a cookbook for pyros, aptly named "The Pyromaniacs Cookbook" so my predilection to light food on fire may take on a whole new life.

Otis Campbell, the perpetual "guest" of Sheriff Andy Taylor and the Mayberry Jail. Played by Hal Smith, one of those not so famous yet appeared on every show in the 60s character actor guys (I mean, he was on The Brady Bunch twice for gosh sake) whose name you never knew but face was oh so familiar. As Mayberry's town drunk, Otis always seemed to find himself with the DTs and Barney Fife at the end of a long night and usually for breakfast as well. Although, I must point out that I doubt Otis ever enjoyed something as fancy as an omelet while doing his time - that seems more Mt. Pilot than Mayberry. No, I recall Barney making him two soft-boiled eggs, some toast, and black coffee - lots of black coffee. Oh, to live in a town where public intoxication is the headiest of infractions.....

The Recipe:

Here's the joke, there literally isn't one. Even Alice made a stab at a list of ingredients, but not Aunt Bee...

The book says:

Make a plain omelet. Transfer to a silver plated dish and douse in good rum. Light.

What we did:

2 eggs, beaten with a whisk until fluffy
grated cheese to taste
1/4 c 151 Rum

Heat a flameproof omelet pan. Pour in beaten eggs and cook 1 minute, until set on the bottom and bubbling on the top. Add cheese, and fold one end over the over to create a half-moon shape. Cook one minute. Pour on rum and light immediately. Serves one inmate.

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