Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dark and Stormy Bar Trek

My question Mark doesn't stop to ask why, he just knows that he has never met a duty free shop he didn't like. And, having the ability to make a Dark and Stormy at home in Michigan was just too tempting as we departed from Bermuda. The dark and Stormy is indeed the national drink of the idyllic tropical isle, although I must admit I prefer the Rum Swizzle, but more about that in a minute. The essential ingredient is Gosling's Bermudan Black Seal Rum - and although on our three visits I have never seen a seal, let alone a black one, who am I to judge? Second, a good ginger beer - if you can find Gosling's, all the better, but Reed's or Barritts will work just fine. The dilemma with Bermuda and it's fine drinks is the mode of transportation - motor scooter. Driving on the left-hand side of the road, at night. So, after a trip to our favorite bar - The Swizzle Inn (home of the Rum Swizzle cocktail)  - where the motto is "Swizzle In, Swagger Out" - it is a bit dicey finding one's way back to the hotel. My advice, do try this at home.

Stark Trek, my least favorite show ever to grace the glowing living room tube. Ever. But alas, I must admit it is part of American pop culture. Captain Kirk, with the very sensible Mr Spock as his side kick, and crew boldly went where no television show had gone before (and I wish I could say since, this generation has been tortured by The Next Generation, now Voyager, too Deep Space Nine and a failed Enterprise). William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, blah, blah. They had trouble with tribbles, I know, And fans, excuse me, Trekkies. from around the globe still proudly attend Comic Con jamborees and speak Klingon to one another. Freaks.
All I can say is "damn it, Jim Beam me up, Scotty."

The Recipe:

2oz Gosling's Black Seal Rum
8oz ginger beer
ice, ice, baby

Pour rum over ice, add ginger beer, stir. Lime if you have them. Serves 1. Don't drink and warp drive.

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