Tuesday, April 15, 2014

That Grill

Seasons (and seasonings) change. After the winter of my polar vortex discontent, it was time to turn from sauce laden, oven dependent comfort foods to springtime grilling. When I first started to cook, as a young twenty something living alone in NYC, I longed for an outdoor cooking device. Every time I cooked meat in my tiny teeny "kitchen" that lacked ventilation it wreaked for days. Fast forward to life in the burbs, and a fancy grill that was my Mother's Day present a few years back, and I'm living the dream. Of course it took longer than usual for the three foot snow pile that came between me and that grill to melt. But once it did, I began to heat it up with chicken fajitas. No ordinary fajitas, mind you as I use a special rub - Detroit Mexicantown seasoning. It comes in a decorative little tin, and the contents must be a well kept secret as they are not listed other than "spices". Embracing this refreshing simplicity, I always make sure to have some on hand. Add in some peppers (red and green), warmed tortillas and a little guacamole and you have yourself dinner without a greasy pan to clean up afterwards. It's true what they say, if you make it there you can make it anywhere.

Who can turn the world on with her smile...? Wait. Stop. Wrong show. That Girl (ABC, 1966-71) starring Marlo Thomas came first and was the show that paved the great white way for all of our single, independent career women to follow. Wanna be actress and temp worker Anne Marie, a girl from Brewster, NY trying to make it on her own in the big apple, with her affable puppy dog boyfriend Donald Hollinger along for the ride. Anne was always finding her self (and sometimes her toe) in a jam, but despite the pleas from her parents to give up her dreams, come home and get married like normal girls, she persevered. Quite possibly my favorite opening TV show montage, Anne Marie set a course for women from Mary Richards to Murphy Brown - allowing us free to be you and me.

The Recipe:

1 whole boneless, skinless chicken breast split and trimmed
2 tsp fajita seasoning, preferably Detroit Mexicantown
Dash of lime or lemon juice
1 green pepper, seeded and sliced into thin strips
1 red pepper, seeded and sliced into thin strips
12 flour (or corn) tortillas
Guacamole (your on your own here)
Queso fresco

Place 1 tsp of rub in the bottom of a shallow container. Place chicken breasts side by side on the rub and sprinkle 1 tsp of rub on top. Add dash of juice, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour. Heat grill on high for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium high and place chicken directly on the grill. My grill has an upper shelf grate that I cover with foil and cook the peppers up there at the same time. If your grill lacks this feature, you should get a new one. Cook, turning once for 15-20. Remove chicken from heat, slice into thin strips and enjoy.

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