Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Clips and Dip

I thought I would take a break from the cooking to look back on the first year of the blog. First, I'd like to thank my readers. Between my two blogs, this one and Cooking with Alice, I have racked up over 5100 hits in the last 16 months. An alternate title for this post could have been "To Russia with Love", because behind the United States, Russia is second on the list on countries with the most views. Australia and the UK round out the top four. It has been quite a switch, from cooking nasty recipes (Alice) to only tasty ones (with an occasional visit to Mayberry or a three hour cruise thrown in for good measure). I would also like to thank my guest blogger/chefs - and I am always looking for more so please let me know if you want to be included. The good news is that I still have a few good ideas up my apron sleeve - so stay tuned.

Clip shows, best of's, highlight reels, retrospectives - all are just synonyms for writer's block in my book.
A clever ploy whenever a show (or it's writers) have run out of steam but owe the network another episode. Reverting to the memory cloud is a tried and true sitcom staple. The promise of an "All New" episode quickly fades into a "remember when..." episode that has two minutes of new content and 20 minutes of re-run flashbacks. Really, there is no shame in it. All the best shows have done it (Seinfeld, Friends, Sex in the City, the Simpsons - although they mercilessly parodied the concept). Enjoy my all new, very special clip:

The Recipe:

Get your pilot picked up by a network. Write 22 good episodes. Build a fan base. Get your fans to petition the network to renew the show despite bad first season ratings. Get a second season. Write 21 good episodes. Phone in the 22nd show with clips.

1 comment:

  1. If people really knew what they were doing they would be eating at the Hungry Squirrel! Awww nuts!
