Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet

A salute to all things American, but mostly my beloved American League Champion Detroit Tigers. And there is arguably no better hot dog than a baseball stadium hot dog. Now, we take our baseball, our hot dogs and our apple pie very seriously (the Chevrolets, not so much) in this house. And, my season-long commitment to the Tigers has happily been extended. Usually, we start the season with an opening day stadium feast: hot dogs (boiled to perfection and left to sit in their own water the way they do it at the ballpark,), steamed buns, soft pretzels and peanuts. Mark usually picks up the nuts from outside the stadium on his way home. Some church group sells them as a fundraiser, resulting in his referring to them as "religious nuts".  His whit doesn't end with his nuts, he also can make a mean pie crust, and when apples are in season the pie is to die for. But that is for another time and another post. Tomorrow we will once again celebrate the first game of the World Series with our traditional baseball dinner - California here we come!

Yesterday (1975 to be exact) and today the song and the sentiment remain the same. Don't forget to root, root  for the Tigers, if they don't win it's a shame. Play the videos .

 The Recipe:

Good hot dogs (I know, I know, that is an oxymoron. However, try Hebrew National - that's as close as you'll get)
Buns, Preferably Browns Bakery, the official buns of the Detroit Tigers
Mustard, optional ( I still remember the way the hot dog vendors at Tiger Stadium used to slather on your mustard with a tongue depressor - ah, the good old days before food safety regulations got in the way)

Special equipment: a large pot with steamer insert and some patience

Fill the pot with water. Bring to a boil and add dogs. Boil for one minute and then turn down heat and allow to simmer for at least 20 minutes, the longer the better. Just before you are ready to eat, place steamer insert in the pot, place buns in side and cover briefly - be careful not to over steam, the result is soggy buns. And there is nothing worse than religious nuts with soggy buns, just sayin.

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