Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Harry Potter Chewy Ginger Biscuits

Hi everyone this is the Julia child. Today I am the blogger and chef. I am also the world's biggest Harry Potter fan. Every year on the Fourth of July there is a bake off in our town. Last year as you may know, my mom did not win (see Cooking With Alice: You Can't Win Them All). But this year I wanted to try in the kid's category. So I made a recipe from the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. I got it for a Christmas present from my mom's friend Kristy (see Mr Kristy Green Jeans Soup). These chewy ginger biscuits are yummy, like a sugar cookie with a hint of ginger, which is good because I don't like ginger. It was hard to get the dough just right but we did it by adding lots of extra flour. Blogger Note: Apparently you don't have to a wizard to use this cookbook, but it doesn't hurt! Sadly, Julia didn't win either - I think You Know Who must rig the judging. Both awards in the children's category were won by sisters - so their mother is no squib, if you know what I mean.

JK Rowling's seven books in the Harry Potter series are the best selling books of all time. At our house, not only do we live and breathe all things Potter, but now we eat them as well. This recipe is apparently a reference to a newt-shaped ginger biscuit that Professor McGonagall gives to Harry in book five after he has been tortured by Professor Umbridge. The series chronicles the harrowing adventures of the Boy Who Lived and his friends Ron and Hermione during their years at Hogwarts and beyond. In case you are not a super fan (or even if you are ) play the video and you will be up to speed in 99 seconds.

The Potion, I mean Recipe: (wands at the ready)

3 cups flour (we needed  a lot more..)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp ground ginger
2 sticks butter, room temperature
1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg white
3/4 cup golden syrup or light corn syrup
1/2 cup sugar for rolling cookies

Special Equipment: An Outstanding or at least Exceeds Expectations on one's O.W.L.s 

Pre heat oven to 375 degrees. Place racks to the upper and lower middle positions (or just use two ovens, like I do). Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt and ginger. In a separate bowl, beat the butter and the sugars with an electric mixer until light and fluffy (but not like the three-headed dog Fluffy), scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary, about 5 minutes. Add the egg, the egg white, and syrup and beat until combined. Scrape the bottom with a rubber spatula to make sure it is fully combined. Scoop out the balls of dough with a cookie scoop or tablespoon. Form into 1 1/2 inch balls and roll in sugar. Place the balls 2 inches apart on the prepared cookie sheets. Bake for 10 minutes, rotating the pans and switching shelves halfway through the baking. Slide the parchment paper onto wire racks to cool;do not remove the cookies individually until they cool.

Makes 3 1/2 dozen. Serve with butter beer or pumpkin juice.

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