Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm on a Mexican To-ma-to

Welcome to week two:
The Ann's have it. Yes, for the next 3 weeks my blog will turned over to Ann(e), my two friends since high school. Back in the day, whenever we would meet new people (i.e. boys) they would say "hi, we're Ann(e)" - which I always thought was so cute and clever. Fast forward an unmentionable amount of years and they still never fail to entertain. 

Up this week is Ann with no E who still lives in the D. For more on her culinary chops see Gouda Times. I credit Ann for my entree in a closed facebook group known as the Virtual Dinner Club, which is essentially food porn from home cooks around the country who are somehow linked to a guy who was friends with a friend of ours (Pam - see Beauty and the Beet Pasta Salad) in college. Make sense? Anyway, one night during this winter of my discontent. Ann and her better half were dining with us. They were talking about their trip to Costco earlier in day, and Ann mentioned that she bought a large crate of yellow tomatoes, but had no idea what to do with them. So I said, "where are they from?" And what does she say? "Costco". Holding back my bemusement, I said "I mean, country of origin". "Oh" she answered "I don't know". Clearly, I was on a wave length far from home. They turned out to be from Mexico. She made salsa.

A one hit wonder of 1983 (a very good year that had more than it's share) Wall of Voodoo's Mexican Radio is truly a stand out. This is quite possibly my favorite 80s food video (if you don't count I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow - although, come to think of it, that may not be about candy at all....). Anyway, why the pot of beans, you ask? No comprende it's a riddle.

The Recipe:

(Ann's Note: Except I added the vinegar before roasting and gave it a little extra time cause it was a bit soupy at first, used fresh corn)

In a roasting pan combine:

2 pints of yellow cherry or heirloom tomatoes, halved
1 small red onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, chopped
3/4 cup corn kernels
2 teaspoons dried cilantro
Sea salt

Drizzle with:
Olive oil
White balsamic vinegar

Pre-heat oven to 375. Toss to coat the veggies in olive oil. Roast in oven until the tomatoes are soft and sweet, about 25 to 30 minutes. Stir the mix half way through roasting. Cool before storing. Store covered in the fridge. Before serving, allow the salsa to come to room temperature. Add  fresh chopped cilantro or barbecued iguana.

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