Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Professor's M.I.Tea

Here's how this process usually works: usually I am inspired by some dish or recipe. Then I think of a clever (in my mind anyway) pop culture tie in. Then I cook it, photograph it and by Thursday or Friday of each week I begin to formulate a post in my head occasionally jotting down ideas or funny lines. By Sunday of each week I begin writing said post in paragraph form. By Monday I put the finishing touches on it and Tuesday do one last proof read before publishing. That's on a good week. Sometimes, however, I draw a complete blank. Completely uninspired and desperately grasping at straws. And then fate plays her hand, and a post like this one falls into my lap...

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and with the death of Russell Johnson (who played the Professor) this week I was forced to Return to Gilligan's Island ( the cookbook, that is). And, what better than the Professor's own breakfast drink of champions? The recipe calls for ice tea mix, lemonade mix, cinnamon, cloves and TANG. Yes, the quintessential 60's beverage. No longer available at my local grocery, I did find that I could've ordered it online but I didn't have time -  a man is man is dead here people. Luckily I had an orange powdered energy drink substitute in my pantry (don't ask). Turns out TANG (which was invented by the same guy who brought us Cool Whip and Pop Rocks) has actual health benefits, too, like caffeine and B vitamins. Who knew it was so good for you, other than the geniuses at NASA that it is? I guess it is rocket science after all.

So you are the smartest guy on a deserted isle with six other castaways and all you have are your wits, a transistor radio, an odd assortment of college text books (which most of us would take on a 3-hour Hawaiian cruise) and unlimited amount of coconut shells. How do you spend your time? Re-inventing the wheel for bicycle (aka Gilligan) powered "machinery" and eating bananas of course. The Professor was also the only one of the magnificent seven to have their own hut, but I can only surmise it was to give him alone time to invent ways not to get off the island. Far be it from me, however, to attempt to explain the inner workings of a brilliant mind. Theoretically, It wouldn't be a quantum leap to make the argument that both MacGyver and Survivor were Gilligan's Island spin offs. Just saying....

The Recipe:

1 cup TANG powder
1 cup instant tea
1 cup sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
1 10-ounce package lemonade mix

In a large bowl combine all of the ingredients. Store the mixture in a jar. To make beverage add 2 or 3 tsp to 1 cup boiling water. Makes about 68 servings - enough to last a lifetime or until rescued. 

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